Since August, the out-of-staters, even a few Washingtonians, have been wondering “Where is the rain!?” This has been one of Washington’s driest years and it’s been making people, like me, a bit glum.
Last year, the first three weeks were sunny and nice, but our rain jackets and boots (or lack there of in my case) were put to good use from the start. Whether it was a light, spontaneous drizzle in the afternoon or a nocturnal down pour, we had our share of beautiful Washington summer.
Expecting to come back to a gray, cold, and wet school year, I packed up some summer clothes (I came back at the end of July) and filled up the rest of my suitcase space with sweaters and pants and I was off! Two months later, I’m writing in a light sweater with just a t-shirt under after the second day of cloud coverage here in Tacoma. The leaves are red, the grass is bright green, and the sky is finally gray!
If last semester you would have asked, for example, my freshman year roommate if she liked the rain, she would have laughed and said “Are you kidding me!? I’m from California! It’s too cold! I need the sun!” Which is funny, because her facebook status last week was “How is it raining in California but not here. Yes, the clouds have returned, but where oh where is the precipitation?”
After a year here, the rain becomes a comfort. I remember when I was planning to come here everyone would say “Are you going to be okay with the rain!?” or “That rain is going to get to you!” But it isn’t that bad! You miss the sun at times, but rain is only bad if you aren’t prepared.
Here are a few tips I’ve learned from living in the Puge:
-Eddie Bauer jackets, especially during a sale or if your aunt buys you one, are the best! I have a comfy winter jacket and a rain jacket that have been my safety nets many a days. A lot of people wear Patagonia or North Face, which are durable and good quality, but don’t sweat it if you don’t have one! As long as you have a jacket that is water proof, you’ll be great!
-A really good investment is a pair of L.L. Bean duck boots. I bought some last year, and let me tell you, after months of wearing soggy canvas tennis shoes, they were my new best friends. They are a pretty penny, BUT, they have a life time guarantee. It is a good idea to find durable boots that’ll keep you dry and warm rather than boots that’ll make you look hip and stylish.
-You don’t need an umbrella. Umbrellas are really just a novelty item that doesn’t give you the full feeling of Washington! A true Washingtonian gets their boots muddy and their hair damp.
Seattle's own Mackelmore having fun in a thrift shop for his song "Thrift Shop"
-Lastly, go to Goodwill. Get millions of flannels and jackets and boots and hats for cheap!
My comfiest fall and winter clothes are from thrift shops. Being a college student doesn’t really bring in the big bucks, so getting cheap but quality clothes is literally the best thing.
So, a summary:
-Rain isn’t bad
-Boots are good
-Umbrellas aren’t great
-Tacoma is awesome
A welcome back sunset over Tacoma after Fall Break
Side note:
Tonight I am in a sweatshirt that has just dried after running to the car in the rain. This is the first down pour I’ve experienced this year and it was awesome! We had thunder and lightning, which is rare, but it was a nice way to be greeted by the rain!