Spring semester 2015 has started! Winter break was a blast. The coolest part? Road trip!!
My buddy Nick Lyon’16 needed to drive his car home to San Diego, CA, so he requested some company on his journey. Thus, my other friend Zeman Nathoo’16 and I decided to join him on the 20 hour drive…Despite the length of the drive, we had a pretty great time!
We stopped at some interesting places… Like the Denny’s in the probable cousin of Silent Hill, Rice Hill. It was a gas station parking lot with a Denny’s, and bunch of trucks…. and a 24-hour adult shop. The essentials, obviously.
Nick’s (on the right) darling Grandmother was nice enough to let us stay the night at her house in Bodega Bay so we didn’t have to do the whole drive in one go. She was an actual angel; she fed us well and provided us with warm beds, rootbeer floats, and kitty time.
Once on the road again the following day, we hit the traditional California stop for lunch: IN N’ OUT!!We drove through some beautiful, Ireland-esque landscapes on the way down California, which made the long hours a bit more bearable with good music.
After a grand total of exactly 1360 miles and around 20+ hours in the car, we made it. Finally home, Nick dropped off Zeman in LA, fueled up with coffee and dinner at my place in Orange County, and made the final trek home to San Diego. It was quite an experience and needless to say, we all got to know each other pretty well after practically living in a car for two days. And we’re even still friends!
PS. Hey new friends!! I’m Maddie Peckenpaugh, a new blogger here on the student blog; I used to blog for Puget Sound’s admission department! You can find all my old posts here if you’d like to give them a look.