Monthly Archives: April 2011

NEWS: Library Open 24/7, May 1-3, 8-12! Good luck with Finals!


24/7 Hours: Collins library will be open all night on May 1-3 and 8-12, to help you prepare for finals week and a terrific upcoming summer! Be sure and take a study break with some delicious free tea in the LIBRARY BREAK ZONE downstairs by the hot water tap area! The Break Zone is a great place for snacking, visiting, and mobile phone use! Please enjoy!  And best of luck for Finals!

Need some Stress Busters? Take five and check out Writers and Kitties!

For another bit of stress relief – take the What Kind of Reader Are You personality quiz!

EVENT: QUESTIONS? ASK US! Saturday, Apr. 22 is Student Admitted Day!

Got Questions about the library? Collins Library participates in the Admitted Student Days Campus Resource Fair, April 9,15, and 22! Stop by our table to visit with library staff who will share information about employment in the library, research services, and connecting to the library 24/7! We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Location: Trimble Hall
  • Saturday, April 9, 12-2 p.m.
  • Friday, April 15, 12-2 p.m.
  • Friday, April 22, 12-2 p.m.

EVENT: QUESTIONS? ASK US! Saturday, Apr. 9 is Student Admitted Day!

Got Questions about the library? Collins Library participates in the Admitted Student Days Campus Resource Fair, April 9,15, and 22!  Stop by our table to visit with library staff who will share information about employment in the library, research services, and connecting to the library  24/7!  We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Location: Trimble Hall
  • Saturday, April 9, 12-2 p.m.
  • Friday, April 15, 12-2 p.m.
  • Friday, April 22, 12-2 p.m.