Spring Break Blues

College is a long arduous process, it’s one we entered into voluntarily but I don’t think we really understood how much it could actually take out of us. There is no easy way, there just isn’t and that’s part of life. That there are struggles and differences in acceptance and learning styles of people that you have to overcome, you may love all your professors as people (it’s so fun and adorable to find out professors are married to other professors, whether they’re in the same department or across campus) and more.

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About rtanoue

Hey! I'm Rachel Tanoue, a biology major neuroscience and bioethics emphasis in my sophomore year here at Puget Sound! I come from Aiea Heights, Hawaii (island: Oahu) & am super excited to live in the NorthWest! I'm a coxswain on the UPS men's varsity crew team, Hui O Hawaii member, Secretary on ASUPS Senate, a Theta & a Cellar-ite! Puget Sound offers so many opportunities in Tacoma, the surrounding areas, the academic community and in everyone else who calls themself a logger, I'm so excited to share all my thoughts and adventures with you! #oncealogger #alwaysalogger