Monthly Archives: May 2011

EVENT: Puget Sound Book Artist Opening Reception – June 2, 2011, 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Puget Sound Book Artists Opening Reception

Thursday, June 2, 2011
4:30-6:30 p.m.

Exhibition Dates: June 2 – July 31

Collins Memorial Library,
University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, Washington
Library Hours

The exhibit, curated by MalPina Chan and Lucia Harrison, showcases the work of members of the newly formed Puget Sound Book Artists organization.  The exhibition opens on Thursday, June 2 and runs through July 31, 2011.  The opening reception where the public can meet the artists will be on June 2 from 4:30 to 6:30.

“The interdisciplinary art form of the book as art has always intrigued us and we are delighted to bring this exhibition to Tacoma.  Books by nature are intimate, interactive and engage the reader.  The exhibition features over 25 artists, some well known and others emerging.  The artists have used a variety of structures and moveable elements with an array of materials ranging from handmade papers, photographs, fabric, thread, wire, decorated paper, and found materials.  Themes include nature, literature, politics, social issues, family and personal history. We are delighted by the number of talented artists who entered the exhibition. “  – Lucia Harrison and MalPina Chan

Contemporary artist books are noteworthy for the multiplicity of forms.  Techniques are varied from traditional to experimental.  Some works are hand painted and one of a kind.  For editioned work, small presses and individuals continue to promote the art of letterpress printing and the handcrafted book.  Some artists use computer-generated images and photocopiers to reproduce their work.  Many have taken up the challenge to experiment with content and physical structure of the traditional book form.

Puget Sound Book Artists (PSBA) is a nonprofit organization comprised of both amateurs and professionals from all quarters of the book arts field for the purpose of creating a spirit of community surround the books arts and those who love books. This new organization strives to increase educational opportunities for individuals as well as institutions and other organizations, fostering excellence through exhibitions, workshops, lectures and publications related to various aspects of book arts throughout the year. The group meets monthly for play days which are designed to be brainstorming opportunities” for beginning and experienced book artists. There is time to discuss the lectures, work on a personal project, ask questions about formats, surface design, and the latest products as well as view samples of handmade and published books.

The organization also has an ambitious agenda for the rest of the year. They are sponsoring a two-day workshop and lecture with nationally recognized paper maker Velma Boylard in July and will be sponsoring a lecture by Portland based book and paper artist Helen Heibert in the fall.

Article on Puget Sound Book Artists from the Weekly Volcano.
Interested in Membership?  Learn more by visiting the Puget Sound Book Artist web site or
contact Jane Carlin, Library Director – University of Puget Sound Collins Memorial Library.

Please note:
This summer, the library front entrance is closed for construction. Temporary access will be: on the east side of library building, in the library parking lot by the loading dock. Entrance is down the ramp.